BL Bulletin

Announcing the Retirement of Jen Marks & Rai Muhlbauer

May 26, 2023

We are happy to announce the retirement of two of BL’s Principals – Rai Muhlbauer and Jennifer Marks. While we’ll miss working with them every day, they’ve worked hard to make sure we are left in good hands thanks to their hard work and dedication to mentoring staff not only with regards to their retirements but throughout their 30+ year careers.

Jennifer Marks, PLS, has been with BL since almost the beginning, joining in 1992 just six years after our founding. She quickly advanced to Director of Land Surveying and then to Executive Director of Land Surveying. Jen is an accomplished leader and Surveyor, having won Land Surveyor of the Year from CALS in 1996, and the Woman of Achievement Award from PWC in 2015. Jen served on the Board of Directors for nearly a decade and was instrumental in the formation and success of BL’s Leadership Development Training Programs. Jen helped foster the next generations of firm leaders, serving as a mentor, cohort leader, trainer and facilitator, and Senior Leadership Team member. In addition to her impact on BL, Jen was highly engaged in the industry at large, serving as President of the CALS and CREW CT, as well as Director and Mentorship Chair for PWC CT.

Rai Muhlbauer, AIA joined BL in 1998, and has served as Director of Architecture since 2010. Like Jen, Rai also served as a member of the Board of Directors. Rai helped expand our reach into New York in 2001 and has led the Northeast R/C/R  business development team for many years. Rai was an instrumental part of our Client Care Committee, which helped foster relationships both internally and externally, and overall improved the client experience. Rai has helped mentor and train staff as well, particularly with regards to building strong client relationships, business development, and client care. Rai is a thought leader in the industry, most recently as a contributing author on the Design of Mixed-Use Developments to the book Vertical Villages.  

“It’s hard to overstate the impact Rai and Jen have had on BL over the last 30 years.” Said Carolyn Stanworth, CEO & President, “They’ve helped foster lasting client relationships, served as leaders and mentors, and had a truly positive effect on our culture. They will be missed, but we know we have been left in the right hands to continue on their legacies. We wish them the relaxing and meaningful retirement they’ve earned.”

Both Rai and Jen plan to spend some time travelling, sailing, and of course, enjoying more quality time with their family and friends. Everyone at BL has been impacted by their hard work, knowledge, partnership, and friendship in some way, and they will be missed! Luckily, Rai and Jen have also been working hard behind the scenes to ensure their successors have everything they need to be successful. We’re confident our clients will enjoy the same great client care they’ve always had, and that the future of BL is bright thanks to Rai and Jen’s impact.

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In a fast paced world of texts, emails, and deadlines where it can seem impossible to “catch up,” The BL Bulletin is a brief, useful and fun way to connect with our clients and business partners through engaging stories related to projects, people and insights from the industry.

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