Within the constantly-changing telecommunications infrastructure industry, we recognize the need to provide comprehensive and quality services relating to the new development, modification, and collocation of thousands of telecom projects nationwide. We have a vast array of telecommunications capabilities including NEPA Compliance, Wetland Investigations and Mitigation, Section 106 Compliance Including Tribal Consultation, 36 CFR 61 Qualified Staff, and Zoning Analysis, just to name a few.
- NEPA Compliance
- Wetland Investigations and Mitigation
- Biological Investigations and Ecological Assessments
- Section 106 Compliance Including Tribal Consultation
- 36 CFR 61 Qualified Staff
- Eligibility Evaluations and Effect Assessments
- Balloon and Crane Tests and Photo Simulations
- Viewshed Analyses and Visual Effect Assessments
- MOA Preparation
- Archaeological Investigations and Sensitivity Assessments
- SEQRA, CEPA, MEPA, and Other State Program Compliance
- ASTM Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments
- Lead-Based Paint and Asbestos Surveys
- FAA 1A and 2C Surveys
- Environmental Assessments
- Zoning Analysis
- Environmental Impact Statements
- Siting and Permitting
- Traffic Studies and Parking Surveys